Sunday, April 1, 2012

Datafile - Snowflame

“Cocaine is my God -- and I am the human instrument of its will!"
Team: d6
Solo: d10
True Wild Child
Addiction?  What Addiction?
Shady Business Dealer
Power Set 1:  Cocaine Force
Enhanced Reflexes d8
Superhuman Strength d6
Superhuman Speed d6
Pyrokinesis d8
Godlike Endurance d12
SFX: Snorting Lines. Instead of spending a plot point, create physical stress (or step up current physical stress one level) to use an additional power from this power set.  May be used multiple times for a single roll. 
SFX:  Higher than high.  Spend a plot point to step up a die from this power set by one level.  May be used multiple times for a single roll.
SFX:  Who feels pain?  After you roll to defend against physical stress, grant your opponent a plot point.  Add 2d12 to your die pool for that defense roll.
SFX: Keep on rollin’.  Spend 1 PP to recover your stress during transition scenes.
Limit: Cocaine.  Step down all powers in “Cocaine Force” power set by one each scene that begins with lacking access to cocaine.  Stacks each scene.  Recover power upon doing cocaine.
Limit: Mutant. Earn 1 PP when affected by mutant-specific Milestones and tech.
d8 Combat Expert
d8 Covert Expert
d8 Menace Expert
d8 Psych Expert 

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