Thursday, March 29, 2012

Datafile - Sabertooth

"I used to be a mean drunk. Now I'm just mean."
Team: d6
Solo: d10

The Biggest, Baddest Wolf
Try And Test Me, Boy
The Ultimate Survivor

Power Set 1: Savage Mutant
Enhanced Reflexes d8
Superhuman Strength d10
Godlike Stamina d12
Superhuman Senses d10
Vicious Claws d10
SFX: Berserk. Borrow a die from the doom pool for an attack action. Step up the doom
die by +1 and return to the doom pool.
SFX: Focus. In a pool including a Savage Mutant die, replace two dice of equal steps
with one die of +1 step.
SFX: Healing Factor. Spend 1 PP to recover your physical stress and step back your
physical trauma by –1.

SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Savage Mutant powers in your dice pool,
at –1 step for each additional power.

SFX: Fearsome. Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Weapon X Program
powers to inflict emotional stress.
Limit: Mutant. Earn 1 PP when affected by mutant-specific Milestones and tech.

d10 Combat Master
d10 Covert Master
d10 Menace Master
d8 Vehicle Master

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