Saturday, March 3, 2012

Datafile - Relapse

Team: d10 
Buddy: d6 
Solo: d8

Hippocratic or Hypocrite? 
Your Costume Sucks

Power Set 1: Imperfect Mutant Clone
d10 Superhuman Durability
d10 Superhuman Stamina
SFX:Carry Your Burdens. May use Superhuman Durability to recover another’s physical stress during an Action Scene. The die removed becomes a complication for you

SFX: The Gift of Pain. When you inflict physical stress, you may replace the effect die or step up by 1 with a complication created by Carry Your Burdens. Remove your complication.

SFX: Healing Factor. Spend 1 PP to recover physical stress.

SFX: Mutant Healing. Add Superhuman Durability to your dice pool when helping others to recover stress. Spend 1 PP to recover your own or another’s physical stress or step back your own or another’s physical trauma by –1.

Limit: Take Your Medicine. Earn 1 PP by converting Carry Your Burdens complications into physical stress you suffer.

Limit: Mutant. Earn 1 PP when affected by mutant-specific Milestones and tech.


d10 Medical Master
d8 Psych Expert
d8 Menace Expert
d8 Science Expert

Milestone 1: The Down Low
1 XP: when you deny you’re a mutant to friends or family
3 XP: when you are seen using your Sympathetic Healing power
10 XP: when you choose to have your powers removed or accept your place in a team of mutants.

Milestone 2: The Legacy of the Horsemen
1 XP: when you get involved in a physical conflict
3 XP: when you use The Gift of Pain to remove stress you took on your own.
10 XP: when you join your other clones as Pestilence or destroy them in front of your “father”, Apocalypse

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