Friday, March 23, 2012

The Opening Credits - X-Country

One thing I always like to do for a game is find a theme song. In addition, having the players remember their favorite scene from the last session to fill said fake credits secrets helps people keep currents events fresh.

Fuse whispers into Cyclops' ear
Daken regrows his hand
Longshot makes the Sentinel reboot
Fuse argues with Jean Grey in the mirror
Relapse surrounded by the anti-mutant mob
Ms. Marvel yelling at the cop
Beast and Carol talk on the roof
Longshot wears a smoking jacket to impress Dazzler
Relapse discusses his heritage with Fallow
Pulling the Wolverine mask over Daken's face
Longshot destroys one of the Genie's Disco Destroyers with a blown speaker
Slo-mo gutting of Jean Grey
Nightingale kicking her way out of the Sentinel's head

And the theme music for Legacy of Marvels:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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